Lyft Achieves Remarkable Performance Boost and Retention with ManageBetter

Company Profile

  • Company: Lyft

  • Industry: Transportation & Technology

  • Size: 3,000 employees globally

  • Department: Product Engineering (50 team members, 2 managers across 3 countries)


Lyft, a leader in transportation and technology, faced significant challenges in maintaining consistent performance and retention across its small but globally distributed engineering teams. Key issues included:

  • Inconsistent performance management practices across different regions

  • High turnover rate of 25%, particularly among high-performing engineers

  • Difficulty in aligning global teams around common goals and objectives

  • Lack of real-time performance data, leading to delayed interventions

  • Inefficient annual review process, consuming significant time and resources

Dr. Samantha Wu, Director of Engineering, explained, "With a small team spread across multiple countries, we were struggling to create a unified culture of performance and growth. We needed a solution that could bridge geographical gaps, provide real-time insights, and foster an environment of continuous improvement."


Lyft implemented ManageBetter's comprehensive performance management and team development platform across its entire Product Engineering department. Key features utilized included:

  • Global Performance Dashboard: Providing real-time performance metrics across all regions

  • AI-Driven Insights Engine: Offering personalized recommendations for performance improvement and team alignment

  • Continuous Feedback System: Enabling regular, structured feedback regardless of geographical location

  • Goal Alignment and Tracking Tool: Ensuring all teams are working towards common objectives

  • Predictive Attrition Analysis: Identifying flight risks and suggesting retention strategies

  • Virtual Team Building Activities: Fostering connection and engagement among remote teams

"The implementation of ManageBetter was a game-changer," Dr. Wu noted. "It gave us a common language and framework for performance management across our global organization."


After one year of using ManageBetter, Lyft saw transformative results:

Team Performance Improvement:

  • 45% increase in overall team performance, as measured by project completion rates, code quality metrics, and innovation output

  • 60% improvement in cross-team collaboration efficiency

Turnover Reduction:

  • 30% decrease in overall turnover rate (from 25% to 17.5%)

  • 50% reduction in turnover among top-performing engineers

Goal Achievement:

  • 70% increase in goal achievement rates across all regions

  • 95% of employees reported a clearer understanding of how their work aligns with company objectives

Efficiency Gains:

  • Significant reduction in time spent on performance review administration

  • 35% increase in manager time spent on strategic activities and mentoring

Employee Engagement:

  • 40% increase in employee engagement scores

  • 65% improvement in sentiment around career growth opportunities

Qualitative Outcomes

Alex Chen, an Engineering Manager in Singapore, shared, "ManageBetter has transformed how we approach performance and development. The real-time insights allow me to provide timely, relevant feedback to my team members, regardless of where they're located. It's like having a virtual co-pilot for leadership."

Dr. Wu added, "The impact on our global team dynamics has been profound. We're now able to foster a culture of continuous growth and alignment, despite geographical distances. The predictive attrition analysis has been particularly valuable in helping us retain our top talent."

Continuous Improvement Success Story

Raj Patel, a Senior Software Architect in India, described his experience: "ManageBetter's continuous feedback system has accelerated my professional growth exponentially. Last quarter, based on the AI-driven insights, I focused on enhancing my system design skills. This led to a breakthrough in our cloud infrastructure project, reducing costs by 30% and improving scalability. The real-time goal tracking kept me motivated, and the virtual team building activities helped me forge stronger connections with colleagues across the globe. For the first time in my career, I feel like I'm growing every single day."

Future Outlook

Energized by the success in the Product Engineering department, Lyft is looking to expnad the use of ManageBetter to more departments globally. They're particularly excited about upcoming features, including AI-powered career pathing and advanced team analytics.

Call to Action

Ready to revolutionize your global team's performance and retention? Start your free trial of ManageBetter and join the ranks of industry leaders.


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